CNY Gift Series 农历新年伴手礼

农历新年送礼佳节  又来了,是不是想送点别出心裁的礼品呢?今年来点我们SerenaLiowTCM推出的新年礼品吧。

Chinese New Year    is around the corner.Our Serena Liow TCM has lanches CNY gift so do drop by to grab some. 

CNY Tea Bag 养生茶礼袋   

- 2 X Rejuvenate Tea  养生茶 

YI LI XIANG DAI Gift Box 以礼相待礼盒   

- 2 X Rejuvenate Tea  养生茶 + 1 X Herbal Soup 汤包 + 1 X Red Dates 红枣

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